Beloved, release more tension and ambiguity in this episode as we wrap up with part 4 in this mind-shifting thought process – “He is For You, so ‘Unpass’ the Buck” (in the – “Receiving Rest and Clarity in the Father’s Will” series).
Explore more deep life-changing and nuanced encounters of the unique individuals we’ve been looking up, with different needs. We’ll soak in the intricacies leading up to their breakthrough and the implications for you today.
He is for you – so get ready to receive courage and feel secure in His love. Also, get ready to be challenged in areas where we might be defending our limitations and mimicking the age old antagonists. We’ll power through even more insightful mind-shifts that will lift off the weight of mere religion, ambiguity, and the spiritual confusion sometimes associated with knowing God’s will and walking purposefully in power.
Get Your Hopes Up!