I mean you really want to Be_____ (Fill in the blank):
A life changer, inspiring, free, strong, happy, healthy, fit, brave, fearless, confident, motivated, restored, generous, wise, creative, prosperous, supportive, kind, patient…
Yet how do you own and sustain these characteristics in the midst of resistance you can’t even put into words?
Now FYI, I’m a dreamer, both when I’m asleep and when I’m wide awake. My dreams also tend to be such riveting sagas of life and conquest, that I often think of making them into movies.
And just like dreams sometimes get interrupted by unwanted nightmares – you know, the types that frighten and paralyze – I know that in life’s journey, we experience resistance in various forms, stalling us from unleashing our identity, promise, and vision; and also stripping us from joy, hope & confidence.
However, for as many of the God-breathed dreams as I’m living out, I know for certain that dreams do come true and nightmares do bow and fade!
With purpose, encouragement, mentorship, intentionality and contagious doses of joy and laughter you can flourish in your dream day – actually, make that dream”days.”
Here’s my conviction – You are loved. Your unique, significant contribution matters and can find expression. Limiting or wrong patterns of thinking can be rewritten; and you can simply start with a change of mind.
This is my intention and my passion. It’s why I’m here for you –
to liberate and build you up with answers to thriving thought patterns, joy, well being and fulfillment.
Your uplifted and purposeful state is everything. Learn how to sustain it.
Be.Loved, Be Brave!