I Am ‘Dami

My Passion

I mean you really want to Be_____ (Fill in the blank):
A life changer, inspiring, free, strong, happy, healthy, fit, brave, fearless, confident, motivated, restored, generous, wise, creative, prosperous, supportive, kind, patient…
Yet how do you own and sustain these characteristics in the midst of resistance you can’t even put into words?

Now FYI, I’m a dreamer, both when I’m asleep and when I’m wide awake. My dreams also tend to be such riveting sagas of life and conquest, that I often think of making them into movies.

And just like dreams sometimes get interrupted by unwanted nightmares – you know, the types that frighten and paralyze – I know that in life’s journey, we experience resistance in various forms, stalling us from unleashing our identity, promise, and vision; and also stripping us from joy, hope & confidence.

However, for as many of the God-breathed dreams as I’m living out, I know for certain that dreams do come true and nightmares do bow and fade!

With purpose, encouragement, mentorship, intentionality and contagious doses of joy and laughter you can flourish in your dream day – actually, make that dream”days.”

Here’s my conviction – You are loved. Your unique, significant contribution matters and can find expression. Limiting or wrong patterns of thinking can be rewritten; and you can simply start with a change of mind.

This is my intention and my passion. It’s why I’m here for you –
to liberate and build you up with answers to thriving thought patterns, joy, well being and fulfillment.

Your uplifted and purposeful state is everything. Learn how to sustain it.

Be.Loved, Be Brave!


Thousands of years from now, someone could still be impacted by something you said or did today.


I am ‘Dami

I am beloved. 🙂 I’m a speaker, performing artist, mentor and social entrepreneur. I’m also a passionate freedom and wellness advocate with a focus on renewing the mind, thriving in health and fighting modern day slavery.

I love people, I love to coach, dance, act, sing, travel, design; and I adore multiculture – I could go on! I am ridiculously fascinated by water, easily amused, and I breathe to create.

I’ve been dancing, acting and singing most likely before I even came out of my mother’s womb; and have worked in the Design, Health and Wellness industries for thirteen years. Missions, outreaches and art direction have been a significant part of this journey.

I earned my BFA in Visual Communication (a fancy term for Design) with an Art History minor from the University of Oklahoma and started Tribal Marks, Karingah! and Passion Barre after years as a designer in the corporate sector.

As I mentioned before, I love people and that includes my family and extended family; but I am in love with my husband/dream come true as well as God’s gift to us – our son! Yeeha!

Tribal marks by' Dami feature shot of Ayo Ladies scoop Neck T shirt

Tribal Marks

You might have noticed that I speak about “Tribal Marks” a lot.

Tribal Marks is my creative outreach, fashion and lifestyle brand. It came together in 2010 as one expression for just a few creative catalysts I’m passionate about: life, people, travel, missions, dance, fashion, design, mentoring, performing arts, music, education, law, multiculturalism and words… in some particular order…

Nothing, however, inspires me more than what I call “The Perfect Mirror” (the spoken and revealed Word from God) which has radically transformed my life and that of so many I’ve had the privilege of meeting.

Taking a survey of what else was out there influencing people, it became pretty clear that right along with the lawmakers of the land, the art and media industry also has its share in shaping the mind of society for better or worse.

I was convinced that our boutique and community – through partnership, creative outreaches, anti-human trafficking charity fundraisers and performing art parties – along with our liberating message of identity, truth and culture; had a unique opportunity to leave an eternal mark… and here we are.

Part of the "please take my children campaign" poster series by Tribal Marks and 'Dami

The Please Take My Children campaign

When Tribal Marks launched, so did the Please TAKE My Children campaign – bound to the cause of Freedom. “Please TAKE My Children” is the cry of a deceased or helpless parent, but ultimately, the heart of God- asking us to steward His creation – His children, and take up their cause as though they were ours.

The campaigns allowed us to raise funds creatively, with evenings of art, fashion, food, dance, and poetry with proceeds going to our allies on the field as we built relationships… But we needed more, a place to share the message of freedom through an experience while weaving the call to action through all of our activities. So we birthed Karingah and Passion Barre in a freedom space/boutique fitness lounge and studio with the Fit-for-Free program.

Karingah World Fusion Pan African Interval Cardio Dance action by 'Dami photo


What’s with the fixation on dance and water? Well, water fascinates me! It’s good for you, and it’s movement reminds me of DANCE – from its soft ripples to its rapid undulating waves.
And like during a good Kàríngàh! “shake it up” class, as the crashing waves break,
so do the smiles across our faces.

In a nutshell, Kàríngàh! is a modern World Fusion Interval Cardio Dance synergy inspired by Africa and it’s diaspora (the Caribbean, Middle East and Latin America; with a touch of Pilates control. It’s all good for your HEART as this CARDIO burst and intervals celebration leaves you refreshed – inspired with laughter and freedom… Oh, PLUS up to a thousand calories lighter, drenched in sweat!

Kàríngàh! is also our attitude – it’s in the way we greet and interact with our tribe! I created it as a Tribal Marks lifestyle activity that went really well with our travels, outreaches and hosting studio locations – until we created our own space with Passion Barre. There are just two rules to Karingah – 1: smile the entire session; and 2: if you miss a move, just keep shaking, ’cause if you can shake, you’re fit to dance!

Passion Barre workout by 'Dami image of ladies holding barre in unity

Passion Barre

As women, we desire a longer, leaner form through a fun, life transforming workout that won’t leave us feeling bulky, banged up or uninspired. We thrive through meaningful support, joy and encouragement. As nurturers by instinct, we also find a deeper value in things that matter. Things like health, freedom and changing our world… This is why I created the Passion Barre approach to fitness. To treat and celebrate our community with our movement style that burns fat, sculpts you like a work of art, promotes healing, and renews your mind rather quickly.

It’s Ballet conditioning meets Pilates, cardio intervals and stretches along with inspiring talks to unleash the freedom in a longer, leaner, stronger, you.



You know  how it goes… you get motivated, you sign up for the gym or a class, hey it’s a date! But when that date shows up at the door, it might sometimes come without the much needed third wheel – motivation. So we came up with a motivating resolution. We want our community healthy and free; plus, we really want millions of women and children free from total slavery- human trafficking (modern day slavery). It wasn’t enough for us to donate percentages. We’d rather co-brand with our tribe, engaging and keeping the awareness and solutions right in front of us as active participants in abolition.

And so my dream of a social enterprise was birthed.

By Just Showing Up, you build Freedom Points. Passion Barre & Karingah will then match and convert freedom points to dollars (in ratio to proceeds).

This goes to our allies to help pay the price of Freedom- preventing, rescuing and restoring lives from human trafficking.


The Passion Barre-a-thon is a series of Passion Barre classes in one day, free to the community for a suggested donation, typically during the month of January – Human Trafficking Awareness month. Proceeds from our Barre-a-thon and overall Fight for Freedom 24/7 Fitness Challenge go directly to empower our partners’ work in rescuing women and children from slavery.

We created the first annual Barre-a-thon in 2015 and have since then committed to hosting at least one or two per year to see to it that freedom reigns and human trafficking is brought to an end.