Beloved, when was the last time you ventured outdoors, feeling the earth beneath your feet? As in barefoot walking outside? Because I'm all over the surprising benefits of this down to... read more →
So my husband had a waking thought earlier this week. It was quite succinct for me as I embarked on a brand new Forest (School) Cycle with children. And the project wasn't... read more →
I remember I was a teenager when I first noticed that I loved encouraging and counseling people. Words and solutions would just roll out of my mouth and I wondered... read more →
That moment you came to the profound revelation that you’ve been playing small. How did it feel? And not because you truly or solely value small and know that you... read more →
Something just doesn’t add up with that title, right? Well this thought recharged my life today so let me just get to it quickly. Beloved, don’t be deceived - the... read more →
It's a supernatural healing PRAISE REPORT! For almost 2 years I had the pain of Tenositis from the thumb and wrist of my right hand. Some form of new “Mommy... read more →
I’ve been reminded recently that carnal/fleshly living is not just about moral sins, or unbecoming behavior, but even more so about faithlessness, unbelief and the mere perception of things through... read more →
I’m often reminded that we can’t manufacture faith by squinting hard and trying hard. Faith rises in your heart when you focus on the object of faith - Jesus. In... read more →
But first, whose opinion is that anyway? We’ll talk a little more about opinions later, and whose opinion actually matters the most - but for what it’s worth, it’s mine,... read more →
We often to seek to duplicate what we’re called to multiply. But you can’t always duplicate - especially that which you can only multiply. We see a thing, we like... read more →